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Croatian Consumer Protection Law: From Legal Approximation to Legal Fragmentation (Part II) (CROSBI ID 269632)

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Mišćenić, Emilia Croatian Consumer Protection Law: From Legal Approximation to Legal Fragmentation (Part II) // Studia Iuridica Toruniensia, 23 (2019), 2; 177-201. doi: 10.12775/SIT.2018.034

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mišćenić, Emilia


Croatian Consumer Protection Law: From Legal Approximation to Legal Fragmentation (Part II)

The second part of this paper is devoted to presentation of rules on consumer protection regulated outside of the Consumer Protection Act as lex generalis for consumer protection. Approximation with various EU Directives on consumer protection resulted in vast of consumer protection rules spread all over the Croatian legal system. However, this overregulation of consumer protection unfortunately has not resulted in overprotection of Croatian consumers. As it shall be demonstrated in this paper, the legal fragmentation of the Croatian consumer protection law seems to be one of the main reasons for the loopholes in its enforcement. Combined with a lack of experience of the enforcement bodies competent for consumer protection, fragmentation of the consumer protection law has led to legal uncertainty in B2C relations.

Croatian consumer protection law ; Consumer Protection Act ; Obligations Act ; legal approximation ; legal fragmentation: enforcement of consumer rights

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