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Variations in nutritive composition of three shellfish species (CROSBI ID 271709)

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Pleadin, Jelka ; Kvrgić, Kristina ; Zrnčić, Snježana ; Lešić, Tina ; Koprivnjak, Olivera ; Vulić, Ana ; Džafić, Natalija ; Oraić, Dražen ; Krešić, Greta Variations in nutritive composition of three shellfish species // Italian journal of food sciences, 31 (2019), 4; 716-730

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pleadin, Jelka ; Kvrgić, Kristina ; Zrnčić, Snježana ; Lešić, Tina ; Koprivnjak, Olivera ; Vulić, Ana ; Džafić, Natalija ; Oraić, Dražen ; Krešić, Greta


Variations in nutritive composition of three shellfish species

Nutritive composition, fatty acid profile and health- related lipid indices of natural-born European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis), variegated scallop (Chlamys varia) and smooth scallop (Flexopecten glaber) in 108 samples originating from the Adriatic sea, recovered on a monthly basis were investigated. Out of three shellfish species, the lowest share of saturated fatty acids, the most favourable ratio of polyunsaturated over saturated fatty acids, the most favourable atherogenic and thrombogenic index, and the most favourable ratio of hypocholesterolaemic over hypercholesterolaemic fatty acids were seen in oysters, sampled during springtime. No statistically significant inter- seasonal differences between basic chemical parameters and fat quality indices were established.

European flat oyster ; Lipid quality indices ; Seasonal variations ; Smooth scallop ; Variegated scallop

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Biotehnologija, Prehrambena tehnologija

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