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Changes in endothelial cell count up to three years after implantation of toric implantable collamer lenses (CROSBI ID 274897)

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Bohač, Maja ; Jagić, Mateja ; Biščević, Alma ; Shijakova, Violeta ; Gabrić, Nikica ; Patel, Sudi Changes in endothelial cell count up to three years after implantation of toric implantable collamer lenses // Cornea, 38 (2019), 7; 873-879. doi: 10.1097/ico.0000000000001914

Podaci o odgovornosti

Bohač, Maja ; Jagić, Mateja ; Biščević, Alma ; Shijakova, Violeta ; Gabrić, Nikica ; Patel, Sudi


Changes in endothelial cell count up to three years after implantation of toric implantable collamer lenses

To determine the temporal effect of toric implantable collamer lens (TICL) implantation and location on corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) over a period of 36 months after surgery. Methods: ECD [number of cells per square millimeter estimated using the Specular Microscope SP-1P (Topcon Europe Medical B. V., Netherlands)] data were collected from cases deemed suitable for the TICL (VTICMO, VTICM5 ; STAAR Surgical, Nidau, Switzerland). The preoperative refractive error (sphere and cylinder) ranged from -1.00 to -22.25 diopter sphere and from 20.50 to -5.50 diopter cylinder. ECD was evaluated at preoperative and all postoperative sessions. Key findings were as follows: the mean ECD (6SD, 95% confidence interval) was 2720 cells/mm(2) (6272, 2620-2820 cells/mm(2)) preoperatively, which was reduced to 2372 cells/mm(2) (+/-325, 2250-2490 cells/mm(2)) at 36 months postoperatively (P, 0.001). Linear regression revealed the following significant correlations between the (1) log of the change in ECD (y(1)) and log of preoperative ECD (x(1)) at 2 years postoperatively, y(1) =2.513x(1)-6.2816 (n=62, r=0.3503, P =0.005) ; (2) mean ECD (y(2)) and log time (in months, x(2)), y(2)=2543.7- 36.997x(2)-38.99x(2) 2 (r=20.9654, n =7, P = 0.0004) ; and (3) mean axial distance between the front surface of the crystalline lens and the TICL back surface (y3) and time postoperatively (in months, x(3)), y(3) =0.1035x3 225.2808x(3) + 473.18 (r =0.8512, n =7, P =0.015). Expected ECD loss after TICL implantation by 2 years postoperatively is predictable. On average, over 3 years after implantation, there is (1) an initial rapid decline in ECD, followed by a gradual fall in the rate of cell loss, and (2) a gradual fall in the distance between the TICL and the crystalline lens by 2 years postoperatively, followed by a reversal by the third year.

implantable collamer lens ; endothelial cell density ; myopic astigmatism, phakic intraocular-lens ; 4-year follow-up ; long-term ; high myopia ; american-academy ; anterior segment ; moderate ; model ; eyes ; hole

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38 (7)







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Grafička tehnologija
