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Granulysin-mediated apoptosis of trophoblasts in blighted ovum and missed abortion (CROSBI ID 275234)

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Gulić, Tamara ; Laškarin, Gordana ; Dominović, Marin ; Glavan Gačanin, Lana ; Babarović, Emina ; Rubeša, Zeljka ; Haller, Herman ; Rukavina, Daniel Granulysin-mediated apoptosis of trophoblasts in blighted ovum and missed abortion // American journal of reproductive immunology, 80 (2018), 3; e12978, 5. doi: 10.1111/aji.12978

Podaci o odgovornosti

Gulić, Tamara ; Laškarin, Gordana ; Dominović, Marin ; Glavan Gačanin, Lana ; Babarović, Emina ; Rubeša, Zeljka ; Haller, Herman ; Rukavina, Daniel


Granulysin-mediated apoptosis of trophoblasts in blighted ovum and missed abortion

Granulysin (GNLY) is a cytotoxic molecule mostly present in decidual natural killer (NK) cells. Blighted ovum (BO) and missed abortion (MA) represent the early pathological pregnancies with hindered development of the embryoblast or a dead embryo. We investigated the GNLY-mediated apoptotic mechanism potentially responsible for delayed termination of pregnancy. METHOD OF STUDY: We performed immunohistological and immunofluorescence labeling of decidual tissues (GNLY, Apaf-1, NF-κB). NKG2A expression was analyzed by flow cytometry and GNLY mRNA by RT- qPCR. RESULTS: The GNLY labeling intensity (H score) was lower in the nuclei of trophoblast cells in BO and MA. GNLY gene levels were inversely detected in BO and MA. A decreased decidual NK cell percentage was found in MA. NK cells from pathological pregnancies expressed lower NKG2A levels. The highest frequency of Apaf-1 was found in trophoblast cells of MA. NF- kB was highly expressed in decidual cells of BO. CONCLUSION: The reduced activation of GNLY- mediated killing might be implicated in the slower rejection of trophoblast cells in BO and MA. A decreased authentic decidual NK cell number could be responsible for low cytotoxicity against trophoblast cells in MA. In BO, trophoblast cells have a higher survival potential due to increased NF-kB expression

Apaf-1 ; NF-kB ; blighted ovum ; granulysin ; missed abortion ; pregnancy

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Kliničke medicinske znanosti, Temeljne medicinske znanosti

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