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Improving Maritime Transport Sustainability Using Blockchain-Based Information Exchange (CROSBI ID 284648)

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Jović, Marija ; Tijan, Edvard ; Žgaljić, Dražen ; Aksentijević, Saša Improving Maritime Transport Sustainability Using Blockchain-Based Information Exchange // Sustainability, 12 (2020), 21; 8866, 19. doi: 10.3390/su12218866

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Jović, Marija ; Tijan, Edvard ; Žgaljić, Dražen ; Aksentijević, Saša


Improving Maritime Transport Sustainability Using Blockchain-Based Information Exchange

In this paper, the authors perform a comprehensive literature review of the positive impacts of blockchain based information exchange in the maritime transport sector, as well as the challenges and barriers for successful blockchain based information exchange, considering all three aspects of the sustainability (economic, environmental and social). The papers from relevant databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and selected studies have been used. The literature coverage has been expanded by using the backward snowball sampling. In total, 20 positive impacts and 20 challenges/barriers have been singled out. Despite the identified barriers and challenges (such as the slow acceptance of blockchain technology in the maritime transport sector or the high implementation cost), the blockchain technology possesses a definite potential to improve the information exchange between all involved stakeholders (for example by improving the visibility across transport routes and by reducing the paper-based processes), positively affecting all three aspects of sustainability. The authors contribute to the existing research of the economic aspect of maritime transport sustainability by blockchain based information exchange, by expanding it and by researching the environmental and social aspects of sustainability.

blockchain ; information exchange ; maritime transport ; sustainability ; positive impacts ; challenges ; barriers

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Trošak objave rada u otvorenom pristupu

Povezanost rada

Ekonomija, Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti, Tehnologija prometa i transport
