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The ABC of linear regression analysis: What every author and editor should know (CROSBI ID 300207)

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Baždarić, Ksenija ; Sverko, Dina ; Salarić, Ivan ; Martinović, Anna ; Lucijanić, Marko The ABC of linear regression analysis: What every author and editor should know // European science editing, 47 (2021), e63780, 9. doi: 10.3897/ese.2021.e63780

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Baždarić, Ksenija ; Sverko, Dina ; Salarić, Ivan ; Martinović, Anna ; Lucijanić, Marko


The ABC of linear regression analysis: What every author and editor should know

Regression analysis is a widely used statistical technique to build a model from a set of data on two or more variables. Linear regression is based on linear correlation, and assumes that change in one variable is accompanied by a proportional change in another variable. Simple linear regression, or bivariate regression, is used for predicting the value of one variable from another variable (predictor) ; however, multiple linear regression, which enables us to analyse more than one predictor or variable, is more commonly used. This paper explains both simple and multiple linear regressions illustrated with an example of analysis and also discusses some common errors in presenting the results of regression, including inappropriate titles, causal language, inappropriate conclusions, and misinterpretation.

causal language ; linear models ; prediction ; regression analysis ; reporting ; residuals ; statistics

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Povezanost rada

Interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti, Kognitivna znanost (prirodne, tehničke, biomedicina i zdravstvo, društvene i humanističke znanosti), Matematika, Temeljne medicinske znanosti

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