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Legal Education and Legal Profession During and After COVID-19 the Shifting Idea of Law School: Systems and Processes (CROSBI ID 73843)

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Crnić-Grotić, Vesna Legal Education and Legal Profession During and After COVID-19 the Shifting Idea of Law School: Systems and Processes // Legal Education and Legal Profession During and After COVID-19 / Kumar, C. Raj ; Sreejith, S.G. (ur.). Singapur: Springer, 2022. str. 185-193 doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-2568-9_11

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Crnić-Grotić, Vesna


Legal Education and Legal Profession During and After COVID-19 the Shifting Idea of Law School: Systems and Processes

The Faculty of Law at the University of Rijeka is a relatively young school in a relatively young university. In 2018 they both celebrated the 45th anniversary. The university has about 17.000 students, while the Faculty of Law has about 1.500 students enrolled into five years integrated legal study and three years professional administrative study. In March 2020 the Faculty signed a contract with the European Social Fund on the improvement of practical legal skills of its students including starting a legal clinic. The project included participation of students in a number of exchanges, national and international moot-court competitions and workshops for building their practical skills. The lockdown followed just two days after the signing of the contract. All activities that included physical contacts had to be stopped, naturally, and eventually only online contacts were allowed. It meant that the teachers in charge of the project had to invent new ways how to ensure its implementation. The article is describing the innovative ways how to overcome the pandemic situation.

Legal education ; Faculty of Law at the University of Rijeka ; Legal Profession ; COVID-19

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Podaci o knjizi

Kumar, C. Raj ; Sreejith, S.G.

Singapur: Springer



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