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Survival after hospital discharge in patients hospitalized for acute coronavirus disease 2019: data on 2586 patients from a tertiary center registry (CROSBI ID 314227)

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Lucijanić, Marko ; Piskač Živković, Nevenka ; Zelenika, Marko ; Barišić-Jaman, Mislav ; Jurin, Ivan ; , Matijaca, Ana ; Zagorec, Nikola ; Lagančić, Marko ; Osmani, Besa ; Bušić, Iva et al. Survival after hospital discharge in patients hospitalized for acute coronavirus disease 2019: data on 2586 patients from a tertiary center registry // Croatian medical journal, 63 (2022), 4; 335-342. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2022.63.335

Podaci o odgovornosti

Lucijanić, Marko ; Piskač Živković, Nevenka ; Zelenika, Marko ; Barišić-Jaman, Mislav ; Jurin, Ivan ; , Matijaca, Ana ; Zagorec, Nikola ; Lagančić, Marko ; Osmani, Besa ; Bušić, Iva ; Šakota, Sara ; Vukoja, Ivan ; Lukšić, Ivica ; Baršić, Bruno


Survival after hospital discharge in patients hospitalized for acute coronavirus disease 2019: data on 2586 patients from a tertiary center registry

AIM: To assess the long-term survival after hospital discharge of patients hospitalized due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed data on post-discharge survival of 2586 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in our tertiary hospital from March 2020 to March 2021. RESULTS: Among 2586 patients, 1446 (55.9%) were men. The median age was 70 years, interquartile range (IQR, 60-80). The median Charlson comorbidity index was 4 points, IQR (2- 5). The median length of hospital stay was 10 days, IQR (7-16). During a median follow-up of 4 months, 192 (7.4%) patients died. The median survival time after hospital discharge was not reached, and 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month survival rates were 93%, 92%, and 91%, respectively. In a multivariate analysis, mutually independent predictors of worse mortality after hospital discharge were age >75 years, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group status 4, white blood cell count >7 ×109/L, red cell distribution width >14%, urea on admission >10.5 mmol/L, mechanical ventilation during hospital stay, readmission after discharge, absence of obesity, presence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, and metastatic malignancy (P<0.05 for all). CONCLUSION: Substantial risk of death persists after hospital admission due to COVID-19. Factors related to an increased risk are older age, higher functional impairment, need for mechanical ventilation during hospital admission, parameters indicating more pronounced inflammation, impaired renal function, and particular comorbidities. Interventions aimed at improving patients' functional capacity may be needed.

COVID-19 ; survival ; hospital discharge

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