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Psychosocial and economic status of the parents with children with and without tooth trauma (CROSBI ID 231505)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Verzak, Željko ; Ivančić Jokić, Nataša ; Modrić, Vesna Erika ; Bakarčić, Danko ; Karlović, Zoran ; Ulovec, Zlatko ; Negovetić Vranić, Dubravka Psychosocial and economic status of the parents with children with and without tooth trauma // Psychiatria Danubina, 28 (2016), 4; 428-433

Podaci o odgovornosti

Verzak, Željko ; Ivančić Jokić, Nataša ; Modrić, Vesna Erika ; Bakarčić, Danko ; Karlović, Zoran ; Ulovec, Zlatko ; Negovetić Vranić, Dubravka


Psychosocial and economic status of the parents with children with and without tooth trauma

The main goal of this research is to try and understand influence of psychological and social factors in children with tendencies to repeat tooth trauma so we could in the perspective prevent such happenings on time. Research included 147 patients, children of preschool and school age (88 boys and 59 girls). In the research patients were divided in two age groups: 5-8 and 9-12 years. In both groups there were 49 patients with no experience of dental trauma and 69 patients with experience of one dental trauma and 29 patients with repeated dental trauma. All patients that were involved in the study had previous experience with dental and medical treatment. Study included evaluation of dental anxiety and also factors that caused dental phobia previous their visit to the office in the children with no dental trauma compared to repeat dental trauma patients. The evaluation of the previous negative medical or dental experience was also taken. On the whole study group differences considering sex, age and psychosocial status in the level of dental anxiety and dental fear were also measured. Categories of children without trauma and with one or multiple trauma showed that it is a similar sex division in the categories. In the no trauma group participation of the boys is lower (46, 9%) while in the group with repeated trauma their participation is significantly higher (79, 3%). Based on that the risk of repeated dental trauma is characteristic of boys. Results of this study show that tested psychosocial variables do not differentiate participants according to the tested groups or in other words there is no difference between tested groups in their psychosocial standing.

psychosocial status ; anxiety ; dental trauma

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

Podaci o izdanju

28 (4)





Povezanost rada

Dentalna medicina, Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita

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