Dr Ante Lauc Dr Ante Lauc
University of Osijek



Just as an agrarian, traditional society evolved into the industrial, modern one, we are now in front of post-industrial and post-modern culture. Almost everywhere in the world there is evolving rapidly a new, post-capitalist, post nationalist and post socialist knowledge based society. Key in this transformation is the emergence of centrality of a human being as a strategic agent and processor of knowledge acquisition, production, and dissemination. Knowledge, the crucial commodity, knows no boundaries. The difference between private and social rate of return of knowledge produces added value.

Development is produced and consumed wherever educated, free and creative people come together. Electronic networking can ensure much faster development and its distribution around the world than it was possible in the past. It may become a catalyst of all transformations in global economy. Knowledge and communications within industry is reshaping or will reshape every product, every service, and every job throughout every country and the whole world community. The key strategic resource necessary for prosperity has become ethical and knowledgeable worker.

The interplay of economics and politics in transformations of Eastern Europe is only a first of a series of events. The metamorphosis is not proceeding well, most economies are failing rapidly because of ex-communist' manipulation of people's fears.


We plan to establish global autopoietic university (GAU) which would utilize the best minds of the world (ex. Nobel Prize winners and other distinguished intellectuals ...) to give the lectures (audio, video, ascii text) to the large population of people via internet (youth and adult). The best supply (the most knowledgeable people) will produce enormous demand for knowledge, for learning.

Full effectiveness can be achieved utilizing autopoietic approach. It requires total quality management, just in time production, ethical and legal way of protecting knowledge over electronic networks and assuring the privacy of producers and consumers. In this project the greatest challenge for the lecturers and the recipients of knowledge will be to develop spirit of learning instead of spirit of teaching.

All human communicators are capable of freedom provided that certain rights are protected (such as the right to hold opinions without interference (to be self referenced) and to seek, receive and produce information and ideas through any media and regardless of contents). The right to communicate includes the right to be informed and as well as to inform, the right to reply as well as to listen. Without such communication individual and collective freedom are illusory. Without right and easy access to communication resources there is no way to satisfy human, social, economic, politic and cultural needs. Global civic society requires communication outside the barriers imposed by commercial or governmental interests. From allopoietic approach currently operational where everything is defined by the outside forces (Capital and/or Government), by using the power of computer networks we can design autopoietic organizations where almost everything will be designed from inside (own heart and mind, own firm, own country and state).

In the autopoietic society consumers and producers will be operationally closed owing to data base and computer network. Autopoietic approach requires constant restructuring and reprocessing, and computer networks are ideal medium to apply scientific discoveries for the development of the global society. If new world order is defined by democratic change in politic (fairness) and knowledge industry in economy (efficiency), achievement will depend heavily on the efficiency of communication systems. Our main objective is to develop as much as possible the level of knowledge necessary for competent decision making in countries economy and politics. That knowledge can be achieved by the education networks linking best providers of knowledge with the best learners.


One of the main reasons why higher education has been slow to exploit these technologies for instructional purposes is that many educators work in relative isolation, according to the old paradigm of linearity, reversibility and independence of relations. With new paradigm (nonlinearity, irreversibility, mutual dependence) discovering and analyzing innovative educational approaches and effective uses of information technologies that are being applied elsewhere will become possible. While allopoietic process lead to depressed atmosphere and forces faculty to a no-win choice or zero sum, autopoietic approach based on self reference will reinforce win win strategy.

The autopoietic network will be composed of teams and projects with rules of game based on achieving total quality management (zero defect, just in time, self actualization, interdisciplinary approach, fairness, environmental control). Teams will consist of specialties (psychology, technology, economy, law). Projects will be verified in workshops and conferences on national and international level.

Some criteria for estimating quality of project could be:

  1. * Reliability--does the project actually work?
  2. * Validity--does it improve everyday work and life?
  3. * Access--is the technology available to everyone on line?
  4. * Cost--is it free of charge or with minimal fee?
  5. * Freedom--does the project liberate rather than enslave? Create free time rather than soak it up, create quality of life (having, loving, being)?
  6. * Universality--is the project conveyable from one place to another, or are we just make more chaos?
The key question in economic development and investment strategies is what is rate of return from investment in human and/or physical capital. If it is the same (Chicago school) then we have to invest 50% in each of these resources. Probably, social rate of return is higher 3-25 times (Osijek/GAU - school). If we are ready to invest more in human capital, question is how to design strategy that will confirm this discovery.

We believe that education and information technology will provide the most significant enhancements for human capability over the coming decade and that information technology will have a fundamental impact upon education's ability to fulfill its mission. Such approach will be recognized as the premier organization for vision and leadership in the use of information technology. This proposal is written 4 years ago. We still have allopoietic instead of autopoietic approach in distance learning. But web gives everybody freedom for self education. The key problem is the change of paradigm. We are all in the function of the red curve and do not see the beauty of the blue curve. See  again:


We should develop a consortium of institutions dedicated to the improvement of higher education through the effective and efficient application of information technology following the rationale of autopoietic theory.

Phases of Development:

Project will unfold in four phases. Will it be weeks (optimistic approach 1-5% probability), months (realistic approach) or years (pessimistic approach 1-5% probability) depend upon participants, their motivation, knowledge, and group dynamic, quality of network.

Phase I (0-24 months) we will self organize a core of individuals, institutions, corporations and associations within and outside to work on the project, and identify funding sources. Areas of initial application will be agreed upon focus groups and data gathered through information technologies. Experimental resources (specially modems) will be acquired or developed, tested, and evaluated. By the end of this phase, a complete but embryonic project should be in operation. Number of participants between 1% and 5%.

Phase II (24-48 months) will focus on restructuring and reprocessing of initial efforts, and expansion of project. More teams, more projects, better hardware, software, more upload and download, higher quality and quantity and better self organization between learners and teachers. Number of participants between 5% and 25%. Starting with application outside university (business, politics).

Phase III (48-72 months) will concentrate on evaluation and dissemination of findings from the developments of the earlier phases, it must be self sustained network, work of art, where learner will enjoy in the process of his/her own development. Number of participants between 25% and 50%. Including environment as part of self learning system. Number of participants outside university 1%-5%.

Phase IV (72-96 months) will undertake a transition from reliance on external funding to establishing a financially self-sustaining permanent operating structure. Number of participants within universities between 50% and 100%. Number of participants outside university 5-10%. All key decision makers are included in the network. Global society will become self learning society, with the help of ethical and intellectual leaders.

If the other barriers (ignorance, envy, organized crime) to change are also dealt with, the autopoietic team and project should help the spiritual, academic, political and economic leaders to recognize that autopoietic organization based on information technology has succeeded in helping them fundamentally improve the quality, accessibility and cost effectiveness of their programs.

90% of communications in the network are allopoietic, without synergistic effect because lack of motivation, lack of knowledge and lack of fair relationship do not reproduce itself toward freedom, efficiency, fairness etc. With proper feedback better emotions of participants can be created and synergistic effects may increase the effectiveness of communication. I initiated project in 1992. with T. Utsumi, started  discussion with scholars 1994 and stopped it because the process was going on the allopoietic way. Owing to ACS we could start with autopoietic approach..

Web community can be treated as dissipative structure where chaos on the net can be transformed in order and owing to autopoietic system and organizational learning to freedom. Will individuals, organizations, communities and global society be in chaos, order or freedom depend only upon us.