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Railway reform across Europe (CROSBI ID 105706)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad

Ogorelc, Anton ; Zelenika, Ratko Railway reform across Europe // Suvremeni promet, 24 (2004), 146-151

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ogorelc, Anton ; Zelenika, Ratko


Railway reform across Europe

This paper will review the structural reform of the European railways with an emphasis on the open access to rail infrastructure and infrastructure charging. The paper will start with the review of the regulatory and technical framework of the railway reform. After that, the core process of structural rail reform, i.e. the separation between the management of the infrastructure and the provision of transport services will be analysed. The authors consider railway developments through the different policy papers and directives of the past decade. Section three begins by defining the development of the European Commission's approach to freight rail access pricing. Section four will then discuss the tariff systems in selected countries.

railway reform; separation between operations and infrastructure; infrastructure access; rail infrastructure charging; marginal cost prices

Rad je kao predavanje prezentiran na skupu 3rd European Transport Congress "Transport Linking of the European North and South", održanom od 22.-23.04.2004., Opatija, Hrvatska.

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