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Sustainable development for economies in transition - opportunities and threats (CROSBI ID 498282)

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Črnjar, Mladen ; Šišić, Sonja Sustainable development for economies in transition - opportunities and threats // ICES 2003 - From Transition to Development: Globalisation and Political Economy of Development in Transition Economies ; Part I / Stojanov, Dragoljub ; Ćulahović, Besim (ur.). Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2004. str. 655-672-x

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Črnjar, Mladen ; Šišić, Sonja


Sustainable development for economies in transition - opportunities and threats

There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in the globalised world of today. One of the biggest opportunities for the economies in transition does not lie in repeating the development patterns of the richest, but in sustainable development - focused on regions. By applying principles of sustainability and by respecting the limits of use of natural resources, combined with a new role of regional institutions, economies in transition can achieve much better quality of life for their citizens. Regions are best suited for practical actions towards sustainability and this is the ground on which economies in transition can build their independence and self-sufficiency.

economy in transition; sustainable development; role of institutions

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Stojanov, Dragoljub ; Ćulahović, Besim

Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu

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