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Multiple arterial coronary artery bypass grafting: 8-year experience with clinical results (CROSBI ID 524352)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Nenadić, Denis ; Sutlić, Željko ; Biočina, Bojan ; Rudež, Igor ; Barić, Davor ; Unić, Daniel Multiple arterial coronary artery bypass grafting: 8-year experience with clinical results // Knjiga sažetaka / Župančić, Božidar (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko kirurško društvo, 2006. str. 12-x

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Nenadić, Denis ; Sutlić, Željko ; Biočina, Bojan ; Rudež, Igor ; Barić, Davor ; Unić, Daniel


Multiple arterial coronary artery bypass grafting: 8-year experience with clinical results

Background: The use of arterial grafts in coronary surgery offers many advantages, but most of them are still to be proven in long-term results. We present our 8-year experience of myocardial revascularization with arterial grafts. // Methods: From february 1998 to January 2006 540 patients (511 men and 29 women) underwent coronary revascularization with multiple arterial grafts using internal mammary and radial arteries. Off-pump revascularizytion was performed in 330 patients (61, 1%). The mean age was 58 +/- 7 years, mena LVEF 57% +/- 11% and mean EuroSCORE 2, 2 +/- 1, 9. We reviewed perioperative and postoperative data and in hospital mortality. // Results: The left internal mammary artery was used as a graft in 475 patients (88%), the right internal mammary artery was used in 13 patietns (2, 4%), and the radial artery was used in 519 patients (96, 1%). No venous grafts were used. A total of 1350 distal anastomosis were created, an average of 2, 5 per patient. We performed 131 patient (24, 3%) with no touch technique. There were 12 reoperatings (2, 2%), mjost of them because of mediastinal bleeding. Thirteen patients (2, 4%) experienced perioperative myocardial infarction. Fourteen patients (2, 6%) died in the hospital within 30 days of operation. // Conclusion: Our experience shows that arterial myocardial revascularization can be safely performed for treatment of multiple-vessel coronary disease. The long term benefit for patients is to evaluated in the future.

arterial grafts; coronary surgery

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Župančić, Božidar

Zagreb: Hrvatsko kirurško društvo

Podaci o skupu

4. hrvatski kirurški kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem



Zadar, Hrvatska

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Kliničke medicinske znanosti