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Electronic communication or electronic communities: (Un)known messages from "Generation Y" (CROSBI ID 532193)

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Pavičić, Jurica ; Alfirević, Nikša ; Gabelica, Nino Electronic communication or electronic communities: (Un)known messages from "Generation Y" // E-Activities: Networking the World / Sanchez-Torrubia. M. G. (ur.). Puerto de la Cruz: WSEAS Press, 2007. str. 331-335-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pavičić, Jurica ; Alfirević, Nikša ; Gabelica, Nino


Electronic communication or electronic communities: (Un)known messages from "Generation Y"

Blogging, SMS, instant messaging and other forms of electronic communication are no exceptions to the rule of evolution of practical implementation of new technologies. In such context "Generation-Y" could be identified as a generation that feels "at home" with new communication paradigms. Therefore, it is important to raise the question of whether the theories/models of electronic community apply to electronic communication, as this migh imply that the "Gen-Y" just has a different outlook to social issues and community building than defined by the traditional social approaches.

Generation Y; electronic communication; mobile communication; e-community; virtual community

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nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Sanchez-Torrubia. M. G.

Puerto de la Cruz: WSEAS Press


Podaci o skupu

6th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES

pozvano predavanje


Tenerife, Španjolska

Povezanost rada
