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Simple and reliable system for accurate maintenance of voltage standards (CROSBI ID 545436)

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Šala, Alan ; Ilić, Damir ; Leniček, Ivan Simple and reliable system for accurate maintenance of voltage standards // Proceedings of the 16th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium / Catelani, Marcantonio (ur.). Firenza : München: IMEKO, A&T, 2008. str. 144-149

Podaci o odgovornosti

Šala, Alan ; Ilić, Damir ; Leniček, Ivan


Simple and reliable system for accurate maintenance of voltage standards

A new automatic system is described whereby precise, simple and reliable intercomparison of electronic voltage standards is enabled by using a self-developed 16 channel low-thermal switch and digital nanovoltmeter, controlled by the computer. It enables faster and easier comparison, as well as optimisation of the whole procedure. The control software was developed using a LabVIEW, and the obtained parameters are pointed out.

voltage standards; digital nanovoltmeter; low-thermal switch

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Catelani, Marcantonio

Firenza : München: IMEKO, A&T


Podaci o skupu

16th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium



Firenca, Italija

Povezanost rada
