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Corporate social responsibility in tourism - the most popular tourism destination in Croatia:Comparative analysis (CROSBI ID 170554)

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Golja, Tea ; Krstinić Nižić, Marinela Corporate social responsibility in tourism - the most popular tourism destination in Croatia:Comparative analysis // Management (Split), 15 (2010), 2; 107-121

Podaci o odgovornosti

Golja, Tea ; Krstinić Nižić, Marinela


Corporate social responsibility in tourism - the most popular tourism destination in Croatia:Comparative analysis

In today's rapidly changing tourism market it is getting more and more difficult for a destination to be competitive on the global level. Hotel companies as well as the tour operators, have a very important role in creating tourism product. Tourism companies should be able to create tourism product whilst operating in a responsible way. With implementation of corporate socially responsible business practice, tourism companies contribute to the achievement of sustainable tourism and consequently to the achievement of sustainable development. The discussion about the importance of corporate social responsibility in tourism industry makes the very essence of this paper. The aim of the paper is to present and discuss the level of social and environmental sensitiveness of managers of the highest category hotels in Dubrovačko-neretvanska, Istarska and Primorsko-goranska county. Results presented in this paper are based on the research conducted in the summer period 2008 in the above mentioned hotels using questionnaires. The research was enriched with the analysis of the web sites of selected companies in order to get an idea whether the corporate social responsible practice has been somehow underlined. Results have shown that the practice of corporate social responsibility has still not been widely recognized.

sustainable tourism destination; sustainable tourism product; tourism companies; corporate social responsibility (CSR)

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