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Serological relationships between some Thalictrum species (Ranunculaceae) (CROSBI ID 464423)

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Nikolić, Toni ; Brajša, Karmen ; Kozlović, Marija ; Krnić, Žarka Serological relationships between some Thalictrum species (Ranunculaceae) // Proceedings of Abstract / Huber, Đuro (ur.). Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 1997. str. 262-263-x

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Nikolić, Toni ; Brajša, Karmen ; Kozlović, Marija ; Krnić, Žarka


Serological relationships between some Thalictrum species (Ranunculaceae)

Thalictrum L. genus contains several taxonomically difficult groups, including T. minus complex. Many attempts in the past did not produced wide accepted classification, so all solutions are temporary. The high levels of polyploidy, strong variability, phenotypic plasticity, wide ecological amplitudes and genus chorology make difficult phylogenetic relationships investigation. Immunological affinities were investigated among species T. aquilegifolium, T. lucidum i T. minus and 8 specimens from wide European area. Antiserum were raised in rats from total seed proteins for all three species and reacted in ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant Assay) with antigens from all specimens. Optical density data were used for calculating matrix of Euclidean distance and developing the UPGMA dendrogram. Results shows the great heterogenity in qualitative contents in seed proteins among Thalictrum minus complex. The samples from far east part of Europe (east Poland, Altai) shows the greater divergence from other complex species than T. aquilegifolium and T. lucidum. Clusters of T. minus complex specimens in congruence with localities of origin, point at possible clinal variability in storage proteins already observed for some morphological characters (i.e. dimension of fruit). Dendrogram shows the expected separation of T. aquilegifolium from the rest of species. ELISA have sensibility for serological divergence on population level, which is not the case for some other immunological techniques.

taxonomy; serology; Thalictrum; Ranunculaceae

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Huber, Đuro

Hrvatsko biološko društvo

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The Sixth Congress of Croatian Biologists



Opatija, Hrvatska

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