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Calculation model for the reliability characteristics determination of marine power plant with serial functional connections (CROSBI ID 478329)

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Šestan, Ante ; Benčić, Roberto ; Parat, Želimir Calculation model for the reliability characteristics determination of marine power plant with serial functional connections // IMAM 2000 Proceedings / Cassella, P. (ur.). Napulj: Federico II University - Naples, 2000. str. 39-46-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Šestan, Ante ; Benčić, Roberto ; Parat, Želimir


Calculation model for the reliability characteristics determination of marine power plant with serial functional connections

A marine power plant is a complex system, consisting of several heat engines, different equipment and mechanisms, pipes and cables etc. The reliability of the system is one of the most important criteria for the estimation of its project and technological solutions quality. This estimation can be made only by calculation of the reliability characteristics of the plant and by its comparison with the predicted value. In order to perform the calculations in the design process, it is necessary to develop calculation models (user tools) that can be used on personal computers. In this paper the reliability calculation model of a marine power plant consisting of n serially connected elements will be presented. The developed calculation model is used to perform a calculation of the shafting system reliability of a merchant ship with slow-speed diesel engine by simulating the input reliability characteristics of single elements.

reliability; calculation model; marine power plant; shafting system

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Cassella, P.

Napulj: Federico II University - Naples

Podaci o skupu

IMAM 2000



Napulj, Italija

Povezanost rada
