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The potential of economic instruments for reducing CO2 emission from energy sources (CROSBI ID 592506)

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Krstinić Nižić, Marinela ; Šverko Grdić, Zvonimira The potential of economic instruments for reducing CO2 emission from energy sources // 6th International Conference «An Enterprise Odyssey : Corporate governance and public policy – path to sustainable future» : proceedings / Galetić, Lovorka ; Šimurina, Jurica (ur.). Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2012. str. 13-23

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Krstinić Nižić, Marinela ; Šverko Grdić, Zvonimira


The potential of economic instruments for reducing CO2 emission from energy sources

Today climate change is one of the most recognized global problems, caused by excessive emission, mainly from energy sources, of greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Energy production is dictated by its consumption, and production of energy, especially from fossil fuels, has a significant negative impact on the environment. Through efficient use of energy and wise consumer choice, without comfort loss, individual greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by around 20% or one tonne per year. Likewise, goal changes in energy policies, conditioned by an introduction of a variety of economic instruments in order to preserve the environment, lead to large changes in energy management. The authors of this paper emphasize that presently all future consequences and risks cannot be fully analysed. The adoption of a global commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emission to a level that does not endanger the climate boils the problem of energy policy down to: the manner, time and dynamic of implementation, the technologies necessary and the consequences on the environment, life quality and health. The paper gives an overview of 27 European Union countries, which have in their fiscal systems various taxes and/or compensations, directly or indirectly related to CO2 emission. The overview shows that Croatia can significantly improve/ upgrade its regulations, and brings forth the goal of the paper, namely showing that economic instruments can facilitate the reduction of CO2 emission into the atmosphere. The paper aims at emphasizing the strong relationship between energy, economy and environmental protection, formulated as a consequence of technological development and lifestyle, and concludes that although renewable energy sources represent both long-term and medium-term options for CO2 emission reduction, without economic instruments and fiscal charges, the planning of the reduction of CO2 and other harmful emissions is not possible.

economic instruments; financial aspects; CO2 emission; CO2 emission reduction; energy sources

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Galetić, Lovorka ; Šimurina, Jurica

Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Podaci o skupu

International Conference An Enterprise Odysseey: Corporate Governance and Public Policy - Path to Sustainable Future (6 ; 2012)



Šibenik, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
