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The trend of economic, ecological, and social responsibility implementation in tourism (CROSBI ID 592523)

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Krstinić Nižić, Marinela ; Golja, Tea ; Vodeb, Ksenija The trend of economic, ecological, and social responsibility implementation in tourism // Tourism in South East Europe …. 2011. str. 221-234

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Krstinić Nižić, Marinela ; Golja, Tea ; Vodeb, Ksenija


The trend of economic, ecological, and social responsibility implementation in tourism

Due to the nature of the offered services, responsible environmental attitude is of particular importance within the tourist sector, which both strongly depends on and influences the intact eco-systems by its development and areal pressure. Modeled according to the good European and world practice, the Program of Environmentally Responsible Management of Small Tourist Objects has been installed in Croatia. The key problem identified by the tourism workers and entrepreneurs is the lack of incentives and support of both state and the local community in implementation of socially responsible principles. It is estimated that only 10-15% of tourism entrepreneurs are quite familiar with the principles of sustainable and environmentally responsible tourism and aware of the importance of implementing ecological and social principles in daily practice. This leaves open the question of how to reach the majority of tourism entrepreneurs which do not consider the stated questions particularly important. Consequently, the possibilities offered by socially responsible management focused on ecology and energy will be researched within this paper, while at the same time satisfying the economic, ecological, and social effects on tourism. The offered solutions will satisfy both quality and quantity requirements of tourism needs, while preserving the environment. The suggested measures can vary from considerable investments i.e. into alternative energy sources, up to the smaller ones, i.e. choosing of energy-efficient consumption bodies or consumption control bodies, with the overall common positive effect on the business subject’s efficacy and its better performance both from the financial and sustainable development aspects.

corporate social responsibility; economic and ecological impacts; sustainable development; tourism; ESG factors (environmental; social; governance)

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Opatija: Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Sveučilišta u Rijeci


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International Scientific Conference "Tourism in South East Europe (1 ; 2011)



Opatija, Hrvatska

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