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Sustainable development and the Keynes's model of macroeconomic crisis management(or the unsustainability of sustainable development) (CROSBI ID 601850)

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Blažević, Branko Sustainable development and the Keynes's model of macroeconomic crisis management(or the unsustainability of sustainable development) // Tourism in South East Europe …. 2013. str. 101-116

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Blažević, Branko


Sustainable development and the Keynes's model of macroeconomic crisis management(or the unsustainability of sustainable development)

Repressing and ousting any conscious government intervention as a country's interventionist policy, rejecting Keynes out of ignorance or interest, means an affirmation of neoliberal doctrine of particular interests, which leads to destruction of a social government and eco system and to the creation of a world of particular interests in which only the market is the sufficient mechanism for achieving general balance. This is why today, more than ever, we need a belief springing from Keynes and his conclusion that an insufficient employment is a structural necessity of the balance of a system that relies on myths and delusions about unlimited market freedoms and the perfection of the market. Such structural imbalance can only be eliminated by social intervention in order to achieve balance. Government intervention is not only beneficial, but is also, if conducted sensibly and professionally, necessary for stability and advancement of the society and civilization. For the above-mentioned reason the author opposes two paradigms in effect today: one is the paradigm of sustainable development, and the other is the profit as a political paradigm. The mere existence of both paradigms without a critical approach, in numerous countries results in apathy, unemployment, poverty, consequences of inability of local authorities and bad environmental policies of the wealthy who mercilessly exploit the residential riches and not take their sustainable development into consideration. The very debts of the poor to the wealthy are impeding the achievement of any sustainable development policy in their countries because the fundamental policy ruling their government is the policy of mere survival of their own population. According to the author, the above said seeks an answer to the question: what is the fundamental mission of a contemporary environmental and sustainable development policy today ; to which a conclusion is: in order to avoid wars and revolutions and contemporary terrorism as a result of disrupting the Keynesian stability mechanism, where the world has been brought to uncertainty, mass unemployment and the edge of a general crisis, a real alternative is a Keynesian revolution that needs to be developed in the economic and political thought.

sustainable development ; Keynes ; social crisis ; macroeconomic crisis management ; new paradigm

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