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Formation of some manganese minerals from ferromanganese factory waste disposed in the Krka River Estuary (CROSBI ID 77750)

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Bilinski, Halka ; Kwokal, Željko ; Branica, Marko Formation of some manganese minerals from ferromanganese factory waste disposed in the Krka River Estuary // Water research, 30 (1996), 3; 495-500. doi: 10.1016/0043-1354(95)00207-3

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Bilinski, Halka ; Kwokal, Željko ; Branica, Marko


Formation of some manganese minerals from ferromanganese factory waste disposed in the Krka River Estuary

The identification, characterisation and formation of manganese mierals takanelite and kutnahorite calcian found in the Krka River Estuary is decribed. These minerals originated from the hydrochemical transformation of waste disposed from a ferromanganese factory. Industrial slag, dust settled inside a chimney, and marine sediments in the vicinity of the ferromanganese plant "Crnica", situated in the suburb of the city of Šibenik were analysed in details. The samples of slag and dust were equilibrated with estuarine waters for 20 d. In marine sediment, calcite is predominant, while quartz, aragonite, kutnahorite calcian and dolomite were found as minor components. Iron is present in all samples as an amorphous phase. Strontium, titanium, copper, zinc, lead and rubidium were found as microcomponents. It was found that slag and dust particles partly dissolve in contact with estuarine water of different salinities, and present renewable supply of manganese, iron and numerous trace elements.

ferromanganese industry ; Krka River Estuary ; waste transformation ; manganese ; iron ; takanelite ; kutnahorite calcian ; calcium manganate ; bustamite ferroan ; braunite

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