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Pomological and Chemical Characteristics of Sweet Cherry cultivars grown in Dalmatia, Croatia (CROSBI ID 556855)

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Radunić, Mira ; Ugarković, Jelena ; Jukić Špika, Maja ; Čmelik, Zlatko ; Strikić, Frane Pomological and Chemical Characteristics of Sweet Cherry cultivars grown in Dalmatia, Croatia // Abstract book 6th International Cherry Symposium. 2009. str. 152-152

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Radunić, Mira ; Ugarković, Jelena ; Jukić Špika, Maja ; Čmelik, Zlatko ; Strikić, Frane


Pomological and Chemical Characteristics of Sweet Cherry cultivars grown in Dalmatia, Croatia

Sweet cherry growing in Mediterranean area of Croatia has a long tradition because of the favourable ecological conditions. Four local cultivars ('Gomilicka', 'Rana Stonska', 'Stonska' and 'Tugarka') and five introduced cultivars ('Bigarreau Burlat', 'Garnet', 'Isabella', 'Summit' and 'Van') were evaluated for ripening time and fruit characteristics. To assess external and internal fruit quality, the following was investigated: fruit weight (g), fruit lenght, width and fruit thickness (mm), weight of pits (g), fruit pedicel length (mm), fruit soluble solids (%), fruit acid content (g/l) and fruit skin colour (L, C, H, CIELAB system). Large differences for particular quality attributes were found between cultivars. Fruit of 'Isabella' and 'Tugarka' had a mean weight >7.5 g, while those of 'Bigarreau Burlat' was less than 5 g. Fruit soluble solid content varied from 13.1% ('Tugarka') to 19.2% ('Van'), and total titrable acidity varied from 4.8 g/l ('Rana Stonska') to 9.3 g/l ('Van'). The 'Garnet' fruits had the highest L values (dark red skin colour). Chroma and hue angle had higher level for fruits of 'Summit', 'Isabella' and 'Garnet', and lover for the other cultivars.

fruit weight; skin colour; soluble solids content; sweet cherry; titratable acidity

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6th International Cherry Symposium



Viña del Mar, Čile

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Poljoprivreda (agronomija)