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Fruit Set of Sweet Cherry "Gomilička" is Influenced by Pollen Donor Genotype (CROSBI ID 556857)

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Radunić, Mira ; Goreta Ban, Smiljana ; Vuletin Selak, Gabriela ; Jazbec, Anamarija ; Čmelik, Zlatko Fruit Set of Sweet Cherry "Gomilička" is Influenced by Pollen Donor Genotype // Abstracts book 6th International Cherry Symposium. 2009. str. 171-171

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Radunić, Mira ; Goreta Ban, Smiljana ; Vuletin Selak, Gabriela ; Jazbec, Anamarija ; Čmelik, Zlatko


Fruit Set of Sweet Cherry "Gomilička" is Influenced by Pollen Donor Genotype

Compatibility relationships among sweet cherry cultivars are of the great importance in formation of final fruit set. Pollen donor genotype affects the pollen tube growth dynamics through the pistil of acceptor. In the experiment, traditionally planted cultivar Gomilička was used as a pollen acceptor while traditionally planted 'Stonska' and introduced cultivars 'Isabella' and 'Starking Hardy Giant' were used as pollen donors (pollenizers). Pollen germination in vitro was tested in germination medium consisted of 15% sucrose + 1% agar. In vivo experiments started with flower emasculation and branches isolation one day before flowering. In the full bloom flowers of ‘Gomilička’ were pollinated and 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h, and 120h after pollination pistils were collected and fixed. Squashed pistils were observed using fluorescent microscope. For each treatment the percentage of styles travelled by the longest pollen tube and the number of tubes in the ovary were detected. Fruit set was recorded just before the harvest. The pollen germination rates varied between 68.4% (Isabella) to 79.5% (Starking Hardy Giant). The lowest fruit set at 'Gomilička' was recorded after pollination with 'Stonska' (14.6%), whereas the fruit set was significantly increased following pollination with cultivars 'Starking Hardy Giant' (40.8%) and 'Isabella' (28.4%). Significantly more pollen tubes reached the ovary following pollination with 'Starking Hardy Giant' (3.3% after 96h and 5% after 120h) in comparison to 'Stonska' (0.44% after 96h and 2.5% after 120h).

cultivar; pistil; pollen tube growth; Prunus avium

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6th International Cherry Symposium



Viña del Mar, Čile

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)