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Multi Objective Optimization for Energy Production of Distributed Generation in Distribution Feeder (CROSBI ID 610687)

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Barukčić, Marinko ; Hederić, Željko ; Miklošević, Krešimir Multi Objective Optimization for Energy Production of Distributed Generation in Distribution Feeder // Proceedings EnergyCon 2014 - IEEE International Energy Conference / Kuzle, Igor ; Capuder, Tomislav ; Pandžić, Hrvoje (ur.). Red Hook (NY): Curran Associates, 2014. str. 1325-1333

Podaci o odgovornosti

Barukčić, Marinko ; Hederić, Željko ; Miklošević, Krešimir


Multi Objective Optimization for Energy Production of Distributed Generation in Distribution Feeder

Distributed generation (DG) based on renewable sources becomes more and more implemented in distribution networks. Some of these sources have non constant (wind power plants, photovoltaic planes) and some have a constant power production (biogas plants). Also, loads on a feeder change during the day. There is a need for different optimizations because a number of variable changes over time. The total daily active energy losses, daily financial profit, and total daily active energy production of DG are considered for optimization in the paper. The load changes are considered on day level and for each load separately (not on the feeder level, but on node level). The multiobjective approach is applied in the paper for optimizing. The evolutionary strategy is utilized as the optimization method. The two and three objective optimization problems are presented and solved in the paper. The IEEE 13 node unbalanced distribution test feeder is used for presentation of multiobjective optimization. The proposed procedure is performed using OpenDSS and MATLAB software.

Distributed generation ; Distribution feeder ; Evolutionary strategy ; Multiobjective optimization.

DOI: 10.1109/ENERGYCON.2014.6850595

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kuzle, Igor ; Capuder, Tomislav ; Pandžić, Hrvoje

Red Hook (NY): Curran Associates


Podaci o skupu

EnergyCon 2014 - IEEE International Energy Conference



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
