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IT users' awareness about the need of strong passwords creation (CROSBI ID 37479)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Konecki, Mario ; Orehovački, Tihomir ; Stapić, Zlatko IT users' awareness about the need of strong passwords creation // DAAAM International Scientific Book 2008 / Katalinic, Branko (ur.). Beč: DAAAM International Vienna, 2008. str. 387-394

Podaci o odgovornosti

Konecki, Mario ; Orehovački, Tihomir ; Stapić, Zlatko


IT users' awareness about the need of strong passwords creation

Business world today, along with belonging processes, is becoming more and more dynamic and complex. Information as a vital resource has to be adequately protected. Security generally has become an issue of great importance. One of the security mechanisms and actual security issues is the problem of strong passwords creation. This problem is directly connected with the users’ awareness about strong passwords creation. In our research we have analyzed the strength of passwords created by experienced IT users. Known password strength determination algorithms have been used in our analysis. Two hypotheses were created and tested using analysis of gathered data, correlation and regression. Conclusions and possible resolutions are presented and discussed.

Password, Strenght, Security, Awareness

Abstracted/indexed in INSPEC and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.

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Podaci o knjizi

Katalinic, Branko

Beč: DAAAM International Vienna



Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti
