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Mind Map Generator Software Model with Text Mining Algorithm (CROSBI ID 573934)

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Kudelić, Robert ; Konecki, Mladen ; Maleković, Mirko Mind Map Generator Software Model with Text Mining Algorithm // ITI ... / Lužar-Stiffler, Vesna ; Jarec, Iva ; Bekić, Zoran (ur.). 2011. str. 487-493

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kudelić, Robert ; Konecki, Mladen ; Maleković, Mirko


Mind Map Generator Software Model with Text Mining Algorithm

A mind map is a diagram that represents ideas, words, items linked and arranged around a central key word or idea. It is widely used to help with studying, organizing information, solving problems and making decisions. There are many “tools” that aid in making mind maps but those tools are just mind map editors. This article describes our solution of mind map generator that generates mind maps from text. We will point out what the key features are that this software type should have, point out the problems that occur and propose solutions for them. Also, we will describe a text-mining algorithm that we’ve developed and give examples of its runtime behavior.

Mind map; Generator; Text analysis; Text mining; Model; Software

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Lužar-Stiffler, Vesna ; Jarec, Iva ; Bekić, Zoran

Zagreb: Sveučilišni računski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Srce)



Podaci o skupu

33rd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska; Cavtat, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti