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Economics of Web Systems: Process View, Costs and Benefits (CROSBI ID 643415)

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Pihir, Igor ; Konecki, Mario ; Vidačić, Stjepan Economics of Web Systems: Process View, Costs and Benefits // Proceedings of the 8th MAC 2016 / Vopava, Jiri ; Douda, Vladimir ; Kratochvil, Radek et al. (ur.). Prag: MAC Prague consulting, 2016. str. 203-209

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pihir, Igor ; Konecki, Mario ; Vidačić, Stjepan


Economics of Web Systems: Process View, Costs and Benefits

Digital society today influences almost all business subjects. There are a number of aspects, which come from digital society, that need to be taken into consideration and there are also many opportunities for optimizations of business processes that come from the technology that is a part of the digital era. One of the means of optimizing sales business processes is introduction of different web systems that can serve as additional communication channel between the service/product providers and their potential customers. In this paper, a process of introduction of web systems into business process model is elaborated and discusses, and the impact of using this kind of technology on the existing business processes is presented. The cost of introducing this kind of solution is also analyzed and costs and benefits of its introduction are presented and elaborated.

digital society ; business processes ; web systems ; optimization ; communication

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Vopava, Jiri ; Douda, Vladimir ; Kratochvil, Radek ; Konecki, Mario

Prag: MAC Prague consulting


Podaci o skupu

The 8th Multidisciplinary Academic Conference in Prague 2016



Prag, Češka Republika

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti