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Binge eating in obese patients (CROSBI ID 680014)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Pokrajac-Bulian, Alessandra ; Klobučar Majanović, Sanja ; Kukić, Miljana ; Mohorić, Tamara ; Anić, Petra Binge eating in obese patients // Conference Handbook. 2019. str. 222-222

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Pokrajac-Bulian, Alessandra ; Klobučar Majanović, Sanja ; Kukić, Miljana ; Mohorić, Tamara ; Anić, Petra


Binge eating in obese patients

Background: The aim of this research was to explore the extent of binge eating in the sample of obese patients and to examine relationships among binge eating, food craving, impulsivity and depression. Methods: The research was conducted on a clinical sample of obese patients (N=71), 50 of which were female, who were treated in the Clinical Medical Center Rijeka. Patients' age ranged from 26 to 71 years (M = 45.20 ; SD = 11.13). Body mass index (BMI) in the sample ranged from 30 to 71 (M = 41.97 ; SD = 8.85). Impulsivity, depression, food craving and binge eating symptoms were measured. Symptoms of binge eating were found in 48 patients. Results: Higher impulsivity and depression were related to higher craving for food. Impulsivity, depression and craving for food together explained 56% of the variance of binge eating. Impulsivity was found to be a significant predictor in the first step (=.42) and craving for food in the second step (=.72) of the analysis. Discussion: Due to impulsivity and craving for food, a person might reach for a large quantity of food and have binge eating episodes. Through psychotherapy, obese patients who scored high in impulsivity and food craving may learn how to recognise high risk situations and cope with them. Using cognitive- behavioural techniques (e.g. distractions and problem solving) can prevent risk of binge eating behaviour and gaining weight.

binge eating, food craving, impulsivity, depression

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33rd ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF EHPS - Individuals and Professionals: Cooperation to Health



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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