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The structure of vocational interests in relation to age: The fit of Holland's circular model (CROSBI ID 487335)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Šverko, Iva The structure of vocational interests in relation to age: The fit of Holland's circular model // Abstracts: Special edition of Review of psychology, International Journal of Croatian Psychological Association / Kolesarić, Vladimir ; Krizmanić, Mirjana ; Ivanec, Dragutin (ur.). Jasrebarsko: Naklada Slap, 2002. str. 108-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Šverko, Iva


The structure of vocational interests in relation to age: The fit of Holland's circular model

This work focused on change in interest structure over adolescence. The process was observed through investigating RIASEC structure and through analyzing the meaning of the individual RIASEC types. Comparison of Croatian vocational interest correlation matrices with Holland's circular model was done. The results show that in female samples Holland's circular model fit the structure increasingly better as girls grow up and that female subjects during adolescence conceive all RIASEC types more similar to Holland's model. In male samples, however, an unexpected trend occurred: in first years of adolescence the fit of Holland's circular models is increasing, while at the older age the fit is lower again. In addition, boys at different age conceive R, I, A, E, and C types equally, and, even more, as they grow up they conceive social type more different from Holland's postulates. Different processes of developing vocational interest structure were identified and the possible reasons for these differences are discussed.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kolesarić, Vladimir ; Krizmanić, Mirjana ; Ivanec, Dragutin

Jasrebarsko: Naklada Slap

Podaci o skupu

6th Alps-Adria Conference of Psychology



Rovereto, Italija

Povezanost rada
