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Facial deformity and orthodontic-orthognathic surgical treatment have low influence on self- esteem and awareness of facial aesthetics (CROSBI ID 680871)

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Kralj, Martin ; Špalj, Stjepan ; Katić, Višnja ; Belušić Gobić, Margita Facial deformity and orthodontic-orthognathic surgical treatment have low influence on self- esteem and awareness of facial aesthetics // Book of abstracts Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialists. 2019. str. 42-42

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Kralj, Martin ; Špalj, Stjepan ; Katić, Višnja ; Belušić Gobić, Margita


Facial deformity and orthodontic-orthognathic surgical treatment have low influence on self- esteem and awareness of facial aesthetics

Aim: The study aimed to assess the extent to which psychosocial and functional aspects are affected in orthognatic surgery patients. Material and Method: Sample included 110 Caucasian subjects (73% females) aged 19-54 years: 55 patients with dentofacial deformities treated by combined orthodontic-orthognathic surgical treatment and 55 gender and age matched untreated controls. General oral health-related quality of life (GOHRQoL), oral function (OF), facial aesthetics concern (FA), social aspects (SA), awareness of facial esthetics (AW), and global self-esteem (SE) were assessed. Results: Treatment induced significant changes in all psychosocial and functional aspects with large effect size (p<0.001 ; r=0.5-0.8). The major effect size was in decrease of FE followed by decrease of impairment of OF and GOHRQoL (r=0.8). The lowest effect size was in decrease of AW and increase of SE (r=0.5 and 0.6). In comparison to untreated subjects without dentofacial deformity patients before surgery had increased all aspects (p≤0.006) the largest effect size was in OF and GOHRQoL (r=0.7) while the lowest in AW and SE (r=0.3). Conclusion: After surgery all aspects were similar as in untreated subjects. OF is most affected in subjects with facial deformities while FE most changed by surgery. SE and AW are the least affected by deformity and by treatment.

self-esteem ; OQoLQ ; OHIP-14 ; orthodontics ; orthognathic surgery

uniri-biomed-18-22 Odrednice učinkovitosti terapije narušenih funkcija i izgleda orofacijalnog područja

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Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti, Dentalna medicina
