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Strength reduction curve of soils from eluvial deposits in Vinodol Valley, Croatia (CROSBI ID 686318)

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Jagodnik, Vedran ; Đomlija, Petra ; Oštrić, Katarina ; Arbanas, Željko Strength reduction curve of soils from eluvial deposits in Vinodol Valley, Croatia // Proceedings of the 4th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region / Uljarević, Mato ; Zekan, Sabid ; Salković, Sabrina et al. (ur.). Sarajevo: Društvo za geotehniku u Bosni i Hercegovini, 2019. str. 109-114 doi: 10.35123/resylab_2019_18

Podaci o odgovornosti

Jagodnik, Vedran ; Đomlija, Petra ; Oštrić, Katarina ; Arbanas, Željko


Strength reduction curve of soils from eluvial deposits in Vinodol Valley, Croatia

Earthquakes are one among the most significant landslide triggering factors. Small strains induced by earthquake vibrations can result in strength reduction even at the lower level of stress. For such purpose, strength reduction curve is frequently established for material of interest. In combination with soil damping, strength curves can be used for various numerical simulations involving both static and dynamic simulation of landslide behaviour. There are numerous relatively small and shallow debris slides in the Vinodol Valley, initiated in the eluvial deposits originating from the weathering of flysch bedrock. The area of the Vinodol Valley is seismically active, which makes it susceptible to earthquake triggered landslides. In this study, eluvial deposits were tested on small strain behaviour. Two samples were collected from the landslide body of a debris slide. The preliminary results enable the first insights into an understanding of strength reduction and damping of soil from the eluvial deposits in the Vinodol Valley. The established $𝐺/𝐺_{; ; max}; ; $ vs. $\gamma_c$ and $\lambda$ vs. $\gamma_c$ curves can be used as an input parameter for numerical analysis of slopes under seismic loading .

eluvial deposits, Vinodol Valley, small strain, resonant column, torsional shear

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Uljarević, Mato ; Zekan, Sabid ; Salković, Sabrina ; Ibrahimović, Dženan

Sarajevo: Društvo za geotehniku u Bosni i Hercegovini


Podaci o skupu

4th Regional symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region (ReSyLAB 2019) ; 9th Scientific and Expert Conference GEO-EXPO 2019



Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Povezanost rada

Geologija, Građevinarstvo, Rudarstvo, nafta i geološko inženjerstvo
