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Enhancing teachers’ computational thinking skills through game based learning (CROSBI ID 687526)

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Hoić-Božić, Nataša ; Mezak, Jasminka ; Tomljenović, Krešo Enhancing teachers’ computational thinking skills through game based learning // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 2494 / Rugelj, Jože ; Lapina, Maria (ur.). Stavropolj : Dombay: CEUR, 2019

Podaci o odgovornosti

Hoić-Božić, Nataša ; Mezak, Jasminka ; Tomljenović, Krešo


Enhancing teachers’ computational thinking skills through game based learning

Computational thinking is a concept which involves formulating and solving problems in a way computer would do it, though not necessarily with the help of a computer. It is considered to be the necessary skill for successful functioning in the technology driven society of the 21st century, therefore it is important to integrate it into the education system. Since the role of the teacher in that context is important, the paper considers activities in the development of computational thinking of pre- service and in-service teachers, especially through game based learning. Two projects that explore this topic are presented: the Erasmus+ project GLAT and the Digital games project. Copyright 2019 for this paper by its authors.

Computational Thinking ; Game Based learning ; GLAT project

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Rugelj, Jože ; Lapina, Maria

Stavropolj : Dombay: CEUR


Podaci o skupu

International Scientific Conference Innovative Approaches to the Application of Digital Technologies in Education and Research (SLET 2019)



Stavropolj, Ruska Federacija

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti, Obrazovne znanosti, Računarstvo
