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On Mathieu-tape series for the unified Gaussian hypergeometric functions (CROSBI ID 276156)

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Parma, Rakesh Kumar ; Poganj, Tibor On Mathieu-tape series for the unified Gaussian hypergeometric functions // Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 14 (2020), 1; 138-149. doi: 10.2298/AADM190525014P

Podaci o odgovornosti

Parma, Rakesh Kumar ; Poganj, Tibor


On Mathieu-tape series for the unified Gaussian hypergeometric functions

The main purpose of this paper is to present closed integral form expressions for the Mathieu- type a-series and for the associated alternating versions whose terms contain a generalized p- extended Gauss' hypergeometric function. Related bounding inequalities for the p- generalized Mathieu-type series are also obtained. Finally, a set of various (known or new) special cases and consequences of the results earned are presented.

Generalized p-extended Beta function ; Generalized p-extended Gauss' hypergeometric function ; Integral representations ; Mathieu-type series ; Cahen formula ; Bounding inequality

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