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Model testing of geosynthetics in reinforced soil (CROSBI ID 488251)

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Mulabdić, Mensur ; Szavits-Nossan, Antun ; Kovačević, Meho-Saša Model testing of geosynthetics in reinforced soil // Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering "Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure" (ECSMGE). Vol. 2 / Barends, F.B.J. ; Lindenberg, J. ; Luger, H.J. et al. (ur.). Rotterdam : Boston (MA) : Taipei: A.A. Balkema Publishers, 1999. str. 817-822

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mulabdić, Mensur ; Szavits-Nossan, Antun ; Kovačević, Meho-Saša


Model testing of geosynthetics in reinforced soil

As a part of the broader research project aiming at measuring efficiency of geosynthetics in reinforcing soil, site testing was peformed on the test site. Testing was related to the influence of reinforcement on the stifness of the soil in embankment on the soft foundation soil, and to the testing methods. Two shifts of well graded gravel, each of 50 cm height, were compacted one upon onother, having no reinforcement and having geotextile or geonet as a reinforcement bellow the first layer and between the two layers. It was demonstrated that reinforcement brings significant increase in the stiffness of the gravel shift, specially geonet. Also, SASW technique proved to be usefull method of measuring G modulus and its distribution along the height of the soil shift.

reinfoced soil ; testing ; in situ ; interaction

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Barends, F.B.J. ; Lindenberg, J. ; Luger, H.J. ; de Quelerij, L.

Rotterdam : Boston (MA) : Taipei: A.A. Balkema Publishers

Podaci o skupu

European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (12 ; 1999)



Amsterdam, Nizozemska

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