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Analysing Rhetorical Structure as a Key Feature of Summary Coherence (CROSBI ID 690822)

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Šnajder, Jan ; Sladoljev-Agejev, Tamara ; Kolić- Vehovec, Svjetlana Analysing Rhetorical Structure as a Key Feature of Summary Coherence // Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications / Yannakoudakis, Helen ; Kochmar, Ekaterina ; Leacock, Claudia et al. (ur.). Firenza : München: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2019. str. 46-51 doi: 10.18653/v1/W19-4405

Podaci o odgovornosti

Šnajder, Jan ; Sladoljev-Agejev, Tamara ; Kolić- Vehovec, Svjetlana


Analysing Rhetorical Structure as a Key Feature of Summary Coherence

We present a model for automatic scoring of coherence based on comparing the rhetorical structure (RS) of college student summaries in L2 (English) against expert summaries. Coherence is conceptualised as a construct consisting of the rhetorical relation and its arguments. Comparison with expert-assigned scores shows that RS scores correlate with both cohesion and coherence. Furthermore, RS scores improve the accuracy of a regression model for cohesion score prediction.

rhetorical structure, summary coherence, automatic scoring

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Yannakoudakis, Helen ; Kochmar, Ekaterina ; Leacock, Claudia ; Madnani, Nitin ; Pilán, Ildikó ; Zesch, Torsten

Firenza : München: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)


Podaci o skupu

14th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications



Firenca, Italija

Povezanost rada

Filologija, Kognitivna znanost (prirodne, tehničke, biomedicina i zdravstvo, društvene i humanističke znanosti), Psihologija, Računarstvo
