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Temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain in subjects referred for orthodontic consultation (CROSBI ID 690996)

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Uhač, Mia ; Špalj, Stjepan Temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain in subjects referred for orthodontic consultation // 8th Virtual World Congress of Dental Students Abstract book. 2020. str. 6-7

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Uhač, Mia ; Špalj, Stjepan


Temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain in subjects referred for orthodontic consultation

Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint and orofacial pain were present in subjects referred to orthodontist. Materials and methods: The study included 352 participants (patients referred for orthodontic consultation at the University Dental Clinic in Rijeka) aged 5-52 years, 52% females and 9% adults who self- administered the Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)-Pain Screener. Diagnostic criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC TMD) protocol was followed during clinical examination and diagnosis. Occlusal characteristics, breathing and swallowing patterns, facial asymmetry, previous orthodontic treatment, self-reported parafunctions as well as chewing problems were evaluated. Results: TMD was clinically confirmed in 10% of the subjects (95% CI 7-14) ; 4% of these subjects had clinically confirmed pain disorders (95% CI 3-7) while 7% had joint disorders (95% CI 5-10). The odds for clinically confirmed TMD were found to be higher in women, adults, permanent and crowded dentition, those with facial asymmetry, subjects who were previously orthodontically treated, those who reported mastication problems and had a TMD-Pain Screener score of ≥ 3, as was found with univariate analyses. Deviation from sagittal class I, transversal discrepancies, forced bite or parafunctions were not found to be related to dysfunction or pain. Nonetheless, when all factors were controlled for in the multiple logistic regression, the only significant TMD predictors were chewing problems (OR 2.8 ; 95% CI 1.1-7.4 ; p=0.034) and a TMD-Pain Screener score ≥ 3 (OR 4.7 ; 95% CI 1.8-12.4 ; p=0.002), hence excluding malocclusions and orthodontic treatment as potential predictors for orofacial pain and TMD. Conclusion: Orofacial pain and temporomandibular joint dysfunction are not frequent in people referred to orthodontists. Malocclusions and previous orthodontic treatment do not increase the odds for TMD and pain of the orofacial region.

Diagnoses and examination ; Orofacial pain ; Orthodontics ; Temporomandibular joint disorders

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Podaci o skupu

8th Virtual World Congress of Dental Students




Povezanost rada

Dentalna medicina, Kliničke medicinske znanosti