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The effect of zeolites on bacterial counts in pig slurry (CROSBI ID 99022)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Pačajova, Zuzana ; Venglovsky, Jan ; Vučemilo, Marija ; Hadžiosmanović, Alenka The effect of zeolites on bacterial counts in pig slurry // Veterinarski arhiv, 67 (1997), 2; 65-70-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pačajova, Zuzana ; Venglovsky, Jan ; Vučemilo, Marija ; Hadžiosmanović, Alenka


The effect of zeolites on bacterial counts in pig slurry

The effect of natural and synthetic zeolite, on the liquid fraction of separated pig slurry was investigated as part of efforts made to solve the problems of ecologically acceptable disposal of pig slurry from the microbiological aspect. The addition of zeolites resulted in a decrease in the number of germ, in the slurry, which varied greatly depending on the type of zeolite, strain of bacteria and contact time. Most pronounced was the decrease in coliform and fecal coliform bacteria. The highest average effectivness of removal for all the investigated group, of microorganisms was achieved by the addition of the natural zeolite, Montanit 300. Due to the specific properties of zeolites, they can be used in the hygienization of pig slurry and also contribute to a reduction in environmental pollution.

zeolites; pig slurry; number of microorganisms

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