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Language contact in Croatia as reflected in onomastics (CROSBI ID 27843)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Brozović Rončević, Dunja Language contact in Croatia as reflected in onomastics // Studies in Eurolinguistics : Convergence and Divergence in European languages / Sture Ureland, P. (ur.). Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2003. str. 355-372-x

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Brozović Rončević, Dunja


Language contact in Croatia as reflected in onomastics

Throughout the centuries the Croatian territory has been very active with respect to migrations and ethno-linguistic mixing. As a result, all kinds of ethno-linguistic contacts have been reflected in onomastics, both in place- and proper names. The onomastic stratification of the Croatian territory reflects the entire complexity of a thousand years of ethno-linguistic permeation. Due to its geographical position, Croatia has long been a borderland between different cultural, religious and political influences in this part of southeastern Europe. On the other hand, the geographical diversity of its territory, from the Pannonian flatland on the north, across the massive mountainous region in its central part to the long Adriatic coastline and the 1200 islands has created many relatively closed, mutually disconnected areas that were individually subjected to different foreign influences.

onomastics, proper names, place-names, language contacts, Croatia

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Podaci o knjizi

Sture Ureland, P.

Berlin: Logos Verlag



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