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Protection criteria of cut slopes in Eocene flysch in Dalmatia (Croatia) (CROSBI ID 489130)

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Šestanović, Slobodan ; Štambuk Cvitanović, Nataša Protection criteria of cut slopes in Eocene flysch in Dalmatia (Croatia) // Proc. of International Conference on Fast slope movements : Prediction and prevention for risk mitigation / Luciano Picarelli (ur.). Napulj: Patron Editore - Bologna, 2003. str. 469-472-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Šestanović, Slobodan ; Štambuk Cvitanović, Nataša


Protection criteria of cut slopes in Eocene flysch in Dalmatia (Croatia)

The determination of stability and the selection of the best possible solution to slope protection in Eocene flysch in Dalmatia undoubtedly belongs to a group of very complex engineering-geological problems due to the heterogeneous mineralogical-petrographical composition of the sediment and structure of their layers. Fast degradation of marls in flysch and failure of large or small blocks require a comprehensive and complex approach to the study and solution of the problems related to the stability and protection of slopes in flysch. Due to the presence of different layers in the Eocene flysch in Dalmatia, it is possible to determine from the petrography and engineering-geology the series where the slopes should be protected by various methods. In addition, nine alter-native solutions have been proposed for the protection of the slope which all take into account the specific features of flysch.

Flysch; Slopes; Protection

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Luciano Picarelli

Napulj: Patron Editore - Bologna

Podaci o skupu

International conference on: Fast slope movements - Prediction and prevention for risk mitigation



Napulj, Italija

Povezanost rada

Građevinarstvo, Rudarstvo, nafta i geološko inženjerstvo