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Geographical Information System and Genetic Algorithm Based Planning Tool for MV Distribution Networks (CROSBI ID 489466)

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Skok, Minea ; Škrlec, Davor ; Krajcar, Slavko Geographical Information System and Genetic Algorithm Based Planning Tool for MV Distribution Networks // Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. Barcelona, 2003

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Skok, Minea ; Škrlec, Davor ; Krajcar, Slavko


Geographical Information System and Genetic Algorithm Based Planning Tool for MV Distribution Networks

The ability to supply consumers of an urban area without any longer interruption during a feeder or substation transformer outage is assured by the link network configuration. Evolutionary algorithm based method has been proposed in this paper as a useful technique for computing set of non-dominated link distribution network expansion plans based upon many practical issues not only in an economic sense but also in a sense of technical criteria and physical routing constraints. Fuzzy sets and tree of futures concepts to model uncertainties and decision making guided by a paradigm of multi-criteria risk analysis can be easily adopted in CADDiN method. The GIS has been recognised as a source of huge volumes of geo-referenced data useful in decision making. Extensions to commercial GIS and CAD software have been developed for analyzing the existing distribution system, preparing necessary data, evaluating different expansion alternatives, interpreting and analyzing the expansion planning results (strategy).

large scale distribution networks; long term planning; evolutionary computation; GIS

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Podaci o skupu

17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2003



Barcelona, Španjolska

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