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Comparison of some thermal and kinetic properties of stable and unstable double base propellants (CROSBI ID 489591)

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Sućeska, Muhamed ; Rajić, Maša ; Matečić Mušanić, Sanja Comparison of some thermal and kinetic properties of stable and unstable double base propellants // Energetic materials, Reaction of Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics / Weiser, Volker (ur.). Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer, ICT, 2003. str. 176.1-176.23-x

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Sućeska, Muhamed ; Rajić, Maša ; Matečić Mušanić, Sanja


Comparison of some thermal and kinetic properties of stable and unstable double base propellants

The ageing of gun propellants causes decrease of a number of relevant propellants properties (decrease of nitrocellulose molar mass, decrease of stabiliser content, decrease of specimen mass, change of mechanical properties, change of ballistic properties, change of thermal properties, etc.). The quality of propellants at a given moment of time, i.e. their stability, may be determined by measuring these properties. On the other hand, the ageing increases the propellant's thermal hazard potential, i.e. the possibility of self-ignition. Thus, it is necessary to quantify a propellant's quality and stability by measuring changes in both relevant properties and thermal hazard potential of propellants. Several stable and unstable DB propellants aged naturally were studied in this paper using DSC and TGA. The kinetic parameters of thermal decomposition of tested propellants were also measured and compared. It was found out that some DSC and TGA parameters, as well as the kinetic parameters of stable and unstable DB propellants differ considerably. This suggests that the information derived from DSC and TGA measurements can help in DB propellants stability evaluation.

thermal and kinetic properties; stable and unstable; double base propellants

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Weiser, Volker

Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer, ICT

Podaci o skupu

34th International Conference of ICT



Karlsruhe, Njemačka

Povezanost rada
