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Education-based Situated Creativity (CROSBI ID 706761)

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Geld, Renata ; Jović, Alan ; Tomić, Diana ; Hromatko, Ivana ; Bojanjac, Dario ; Tonković, Mirjana ; Sović Kržić, Ana ; Jelača, Matija Education-based Situated Creativity // Creative Future Insights Conference Creative Industries and Experience Economy. 2021. str. 16-16

Podaci o odgovornosti

Geld, Renata ; Jović, Alan ; Tomić, Diana ; Hromatko, Ivana ; Bojanjac, Dario ; Tonković, Mirjana ; Sović Kržić, Ana ; Jelača, Matija


Education-based Situated Creativity

As implied by many and explicitly stated by Florida (2002), „human creativity is the ultimate economic resource.“ However, just like human knowledge, which is one of the preconditions for creativity to occur, creativity does not happen out of thin air. It has its foundations, triggers and constituents. Consequently, it can be developed and fostered as well as studied and analyzed. The aim of this paper is to propose the idea of education-based situated creativity. According to Nonaka and Zhu (2012), situated creativity assumes “sense-making, context-interpreting, situation-framing, meaning-giving, fact-projecting, problem-shaping, opportunity- exploring, future-envisioning” (pp. 172-173). Expanding the concept by adding “education” we focus on the necessity of perceiving creativity as a backbone of any educational process and its systematic honing by focusing on one of its fundamental academic preconditions – interdisciplinarity. This particular precondition is related to the cognitive mechanism of conceptual integration responsible for human creative spark (Fauconnier and Turner 2002, Turner 2014). In other words, evolutionarily speaking, human creativity is quite likely to have developed at the time when our working memory could simultaneously hold and juggle two elements that are different, distant or seemingly unrelatable (e.g. think of William Kamkwamba’s wind turbine made out of bike parts and materials from a scrapyard, or the invention of the axle that combines a rod and wheels, or the system of Braille alphabet consisting of three-dimensional bumps). We shall exemplify the idea of education- based situated creativity by discussing the content as well as the process of creating a new standard of occupation and qualification (Applied Cognitive Science/Scientist) that is oriented towards creative economy, especially various aspects of R&D, while being anchored in the hexagon of interdisciplinary study of human mind known as cognitive science.

education, situated creativity, interdisciplinarity, conceptual integration, cognitive science

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Podaci o skupu

Creative Future Insights Conference Creative Industries and Experience Economy



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Filologija, Kognitivna znanost (prirodne, tehničke, biomedicina i zdravstvo, društvene i humanističke znanosti)