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Family acceptance, peer pressure and alcohol abuse in young people (CROSBI ID 708337)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Majdak, Marijana ; Novosel, Katarina ; Bagarić, Ante Family acceptance, peer pressure and alcohol abuse in young people // SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts. 2018. str. 59-70

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Majdak, Marijana ; Novosel, Katarina ; Bagarić, Ante


Family acceptance, peer pressure and alcohol abuse in young people

First habits connected to alcohol drinking young people gain in the family. Misuse of alcohol and other addictive substances in young people is often connected to complex family situations and family problems while drinking model is primarily developed in peer groups. The aim of this study was to examine the connection between young peoples perception of parental acceptance- rejection, peer pressure and some sociodemographic characteristics (gender, family structure, parents education, subjective estimation of family income) with alcohol consumption. The participants were first year students at the University of Zagreb (different faculties) (N=227). The research was conducted d using the web questionnaire consisted of four parts: The Questionnaire of peer pressure constructed by Lebedina Manzoni, Lotar and Ricijaš in 2008., Parental acceptance- rejection Questionnaire constructed by Rohner in 1984, Socio- demographic questionnaire and the Questionnaire about the alcohol consumption both constructed for the purpose of this research. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and Pearsons correlation coefficient. The results have shown significant correlation between alcohol consumption and peer pressure. The perception of parental acceptance-rejection is associated with the peer pressure.

students ; perception of parental acceptance/rejection ; peer pressure ; alcohol use

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5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM 2018)



Beč, Austrija

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