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Odour from pig farms as an air pollutant (CROSBI ID 490010)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Vučemilo, Marija ; Tofant, Alenka ; Hađina, Suzana ; Matković, Kristina ; Pavičić, Željko Odour from pig farms as an air pollutant // Abstracts / Dridi, Amor ; Kechrid, Faouzi ; El Hicheri, Khaled et al. (ur.). Tunis, 2002. str. 181-182-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Vučemilo, Marija ; Tofant, Alenka ; Hađina, Suzana ; Matković, Kristina ; Pavičić, Željko


Odour from pig farms as an air pollutant

Pollution of the air by animal production call be defined is the unacceptable affect when large number of animals are kept on the limited area. Because of that it comes to the formation of odours, which spread over long distances. Odour mixtures vary with location, size, type of' housing, production, practices, season, temperature and wind speed. Odours from livestock farms become more intensive and increase size. In some lands they are limited factors of animal housing. Traditional waste management system, involving the composting of faeces and urine from housed animals with large amount of straw are relatively less odours than semi- liquid slurries. In this respect, pig farms raise serious problems as to the spreading of slurries to the neighboring land. Livestock waste odour originates from a series of evaporable compounds which are formed by breaking down of plant fibre and protein. The most represented parts are indole, skatol, cresol, phenol, volatile fatty acids and ammonia. In this study the strategies for reduction of odour have been reported.

odour; air pollutant; evaporable compounds

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Dridi, Amor ; Kechrid, Faouzi ; El Hicheri, Khaled ; Boussalmi, Bechir ; Hammami, Salah ; El Hedi, Sami Ben


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27th World Veterinary Congress




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Veterinarska medicina