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Numerical analysis of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure (CROSBI ID 490098)

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Štih, Željko ; Berberović, Sead ; Kapetanović , Izudin Numerical analysis of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure // 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Istanbul, 2003

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Štih, Željko ; Berberović, Sead ; Kapetanović , Izudin


Numerical analysis of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure

A numerical computation of low-frequency electromagnetic field near power apparatus and systems that maybe used for analysis of occupational and general public low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure is described in this paper. The computation is based upon the integral equation approach and the usage of the method of moments for solving such equations. The charge that causes the irrotational component of electric field is calculated from known potentials of wires. The rotational component of electromagnetic fields is calculated from a priori known line currents taking into account the influence of the induced eddy currents in earth. The application of the computation is illustrated by the analysis of the occupational electromagnetic field exposure in a 400 kV substation at 50 Hz.

low-frequency electromagnetic field; integral equations; method of moments; occupational exposure

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2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility



Istanbul, Turska

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