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Packaging and the Shelf Life of Bread (CROSBI ID 71519)

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Galić, Kata ; Gabrić, Domagoj ; Ćurić, Duška Packaging and the Shelf Life of Bread // Reference Module in Food Science / N/A (ur.). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2019. str. 1-8 doi:

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Galić, Kata ; Gabrić, Domagoj ; Ćurić, Duška


Packaging and the Shelf Life of Bread

Different bread types are consumed on a daily basis all over the world. Due to the short shelf life of bread, different actions are performed at different production stages and/or after bread processing in order to extend its shelf life. This can include modifications in bread processing technology and/or appropriate packaging materials and packaging method selection. Thus it is not surprising that this topic is also of great scientific interest. In order to get an insight into the last ten years of scientific research, this article will summarize important findings as a continuation of a previously published 2009 paper, with an emphasis on packaged bread shelf life.

Bread, active packaging, modified atmosphere, nano-packaging, packaging materials, shelf life,

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Amsterdam: Elsevier



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