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Improvement Pharmacist-Diabetic Patient Relationship in Croatia &#8211 ; What diabetics expect from pharmacists? (CROSBI ID 491104)

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Jadrijević-Mladar Takač, Milena ; Ivana Fritsch Žitnik Improvement Pharmacist-Diabetic Patient Relationship in Croatia &#8211 ; What diabetics expect from pharmacists? // 3rd International PCNE Conference (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe, Book of Abstracts / - (ur.). Lahti: PCNE, 2003. str. 10-10-x

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Jadrijević-Mladar Takač, Milena ; Ivana Fritsch Žitnik


Improvement Pharmacist-Diabetic Patient Relationship in Croatia &#8211 ; What diabetics expect from pharmacists?

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, which, due to its high and constantly increasing prevalence, its life long presence and its concomitant complications remains a major medical and social problem worldwide. It puts a heavy burden on the individuals affected, their families and society as a whole, not only financially but also in psychological and social terms. With increasing emphasis on teamwork within primary care, a persons with diabetes can benefit from the pharmacist&#8217 ; s integration into the extended diabetes care team. In the pharmacy, patients have to receive continuous care on diabetes to increase their quality of life and wellbeing. On the other hand, patients may not always have the same perspective of disease and treatment as health-care providers. Satisfaction with the quality of the patient-provider relationship is significantly associated with adherence to treatment in diabetes and other chronic illnesses. Croatia has a population of 4.8 million and 116.295 diabetics. The average incidence is 2.35%. The &#8220 ; Croatian model&#8221 ; of organisation of health care for diabetic patients was included into the St. Vincent Declaration in 1989. Croatian pharmacists have been involved in the current National Program for the Protection from Diabetes Mellitus since November 1997. The Program was developed pursuant to the National Program requirements and following the guidelines of the EFPA project &#8220 ; Diabetes care&#8221 ; and was well received, particularly by the patients. A survey was conducted among diabetic patients (in 1999, at the beginning of pharmacists involvement into National Programme) to find out how satisfied they were with the pharmacists&#8217 ; services and what they expected from pharmacists included in the diabetes care team. The results of the survey showed that diabetics expect more information about drugs, drug interactions, diet and physical activities. Most of them would like to be able to have their blood glucose and blood pressure controlled at the pharmacy, where they would also be provided with educational and informative materials about diabetes. Most complaints were about not being able to get all the required drugs and medical appliances at all times and from all pharmacies. The survey with same questionnaire is currently running on with the aim to find out diabetic needs, expectations and satisfaction after four year of CRO PharmaDiab Programme implementation.

CRO PharmaDiab Program; Diabetes mellitus; Pharmaceutical care; Pharmaceutical programs

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3rd International PCNE Conference (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe), Pharmaceutical Care Study- Future Generation



Hillerød, Danska

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