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Comprehensive Aphasia Test: what do Norwegian and Croatian data reveal (CROSBI ID 722849)

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Matić Škorić, Ana ; Norvik, Monica I. ; Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena ; Gram Simonsen, Hanne ; Røste, Ingvild Comprehensive Aphasia Test: what do Norwegian and Croatian data reveal // SoA: Science of Aphasia 2022 Bordeaux, Francuska, 12.09.2022-15.09.2022

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Matić Škorić, Ana ; Norvik, Monica I. ; Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena ; Gram Simonsen, Hanne ; Røste, Ingvild


Comprehensive Aphasia Test: what do Norwegian and Croatian data reveal

The aim of this study was to compare the performance of Norwegian and Croatian speakers with aphasia (PwA) on the Language Battery of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT), as well as to investigate the influence of different linguistic and sociodemographic variables on their performance. The results point to differences in three out of 11 subtests, and one out of three modalities measured, with language-related factors affecting performance of PwA the most. Findings are discussed with regards to the structural differences between the two languages, reflected in the test's items. After presenting examples of phonological and morphological specificities that may explain the differences in performance, it is argued that the overall similarity of the two versions presents the proof that the adaptation process taken in the large group of researchers within the WG2 of the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists is a valid method and should be pursued.

Persons with aphasia ; Comprehensive Aphasia Test ; Croatian language ; Norwegian language ; structural differences ; sociodemographic variables

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SoA: Science of Aphasia 2022



Bordeaux, Francuska

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