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Analysis of the entropy production in a counterflow cooling tower (CROSBI ID 491315)

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Halasz, Boris ; Tadić, Mirko ; Mudrinić, Saša Analysis of the entropy production in a counterflow cooling tower // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (THERMO). Budimpešta, 2003. str. 221-228-x

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Halasz, Boris ; Tadić, Mirko ; Mudrinić, Saša


Analysis of the entropy production in a counterflow cooling tower

In this paper an entropy generation (production) in a water cooling tower is analysed. The temperature difference between water and air and the humidity ratio difference that causes evaporation both make the process irreversible. The sum of exergy of air and water leaving the cooling tower is smaller than the exergy of the incoming (hot) water – the difference is called loss of availability (or loss of exergy). This loss of availability is smaller when the cooling tower is operated with smaller air mass flow rate, because then the air outlet (remaining) exergy is greater.

entropy production; cooling tower; heat and mass transfer

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13th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (THERMO), MATE



Budimpešta, Mađarska

Povezanost rada
